Sunday, June 6, 2010

Is this really happening?

We've set a date to meet.

Yeah. I'm freaking out. We're going to spend 11 days in California. November 13th. 5 months from now. I kinda wish it was sooner, but at the same time I'm wondering how I'll ever be prepared to meet him in only 5 months. We're not really making big plans for the trip. We just want to spend time together. So we'll just go out to dinner and go to movies and such. Maybe a trip to Disneyland, but we're not sure. We started looking at hotels today. We're kinda splurging on the hotel since we'll probably spend a lot of time there.... Get your mind out of the gutter. We just want to spend time together; cuddle and watch movies. That kind of thing. Geez.

For anyone that hasn't guessed yet, we met online and haven't met in person yet. We've been together for 6 months, this month. Several people have said they're shocked it lasted that long without meeting. I don't know why that's so shocking. We're in love, of course we're still together after 6 months. Sure, it sucks to be so far from him, but I would rather be with him like this than not at all. There's not a doubt in my mind that this relationship can go the distance. I fully intend to marry this man. And he fully intends to move here and make it happen. I read other peoples blogs about second guessing and all that, and I wonder why I haven't felt that yet. Neither of us (as in me and him). We've never had a "rough patch" where we considered breaking up. We both know that it might be easier for the other person if we loved someone else that was closer, but there's nothing we can do about that. We love each other. What's the point in entertaining ideas of breaking up when you know that you won't find someone else that you love this much? I'm not trying to say that our relationship is better than anyone elses, I just wonder sometimes what it means that we haven't experienced that.

Anyway, I think I'm rambling now. I'm just so excited that this is really happening.

1 comment:

  1. I've been with my boyfriend, whom I met online as well, since January 8th, 2010. We're meeting in 10 days. I'm scared and nervous too.
